FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Lego League is a program that was developed in 1989 to inspire more interest in the fields of science and technology. To prepare for competitions, our team designs and innovative solution. the team also codes, strategizes and builds a robot to participate in a robot game competition. We compete in Eastern Pennsylvania region . Through the program, the robotics team gains priceless opportunities to engage in the science and technology fields. Students learn to experiment, solve problems, explore their technological capabilities and gain exposure to specific industries each year.

Out of 275 teams, we made it to the Championship round. We placed 7th. the top 6 teams moved on to State Championship round

Our Innovation project from this season was to find a way to work with the arts. We designed a 3D immersive trading card system with design boards made in penpot. We started working on a mobile application with react. You can see more fo this project on my Projects page.

You can find out more about FIRST here.